Pynt CLI Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot Pynt CLI effectively! Explore our documentation for insights and solutions to common issues you might encounter with Pynt's command-line interface.

At a Glance: 🛠️ Encountering issues with Pynt CLI? This guide provides step-by-step solutions for resolving common problems from installation errors to scan execution issues, ensuring the smooth operation of your Pynt CLI.

'pynt' is not recognized

When you install Pynt CLI using pip, the output will show the path to the script folder. To prevent the "Pynt not recognized" error when running Pynt, ensure that the Python scripts folder is added to your PATH environment variable. This issue usually arises when the pip scripts folder is not included in your PATH.

To find Pynt location path after installation:

pip show pyntcli

Add to PATH: Instructions on how to add a variable to PATH for Win Mac and Linux

Wrong Pynt !

Getting the following message means that there is a conflict with another package named Pynt installed on your machine.

To remove the unwanted Pynt installation:

pip uninstall pynt

Unable to pull the image from docker pull

If you're unable to pull the Pynt image from Docker:

docker pull

Possible Issue:

This might be due to organizational policies or using a private registry. In such cases, override the registry URI:

export IMAGE=<Your Private Registry URI>

Visit Pynt Docker Images for available tags and more information.

For additional support, visit Pynt Community Support.

Last updated