Insecure Transport Scheme

Explore Pynt's documentation on insecure transport scheme vulnerabilities! Understand how Pynt safeguards against unsecured communication protocols, ensuring robust security for your APIs.

At a Glance: 🔓 Insecure Transport Scheme vulnerabilities occur when an API or service communicates over unsecured protocols like HTTP instead of enforcing secure alternatives like HTTPS. This vulnerability allows sensitive data to be transmitted in an unencrypted format, making it susceptible to interception, tampering, and eavesdropping. To prevent this, always enforce secure protocols for all communications to protect data integrity and confidentiality.


An insecure scheme vulnerability arises when a cloud application, web application or API uses unsecured communication protocols, such as HTTP, which do not encrypt data transmitted between the client and the server. This lack of encryption means that any data sent over the network—including sensitive information like authentication tokens, personal data, and API keys—can be intercepted and read by malicious actors.

Insecure schemes not only compromise confidentiality but also the integrity of the data. Attackers can perform man-in-the-middle attacks, intercepting communications between the client and server to modify or inject malicious content. This can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security incidents.

What are the common mistakes made by developers?

  1. Not Enforcing HTTPS:

    Failing to enforce the use of HTTPS, allowing clients to connect over unsecured HTTP by default.

  2. Mixed Content:

    Including resources (like scripts, images, or stylesheets) over HTTP in an HTTPS page, leading to mixed content vulnerabilities.

  3. Lack of HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS):

    Not implementing HSTS headers to enforce HTTPS connections, allowing attackers to downgrade connections to HTTP.

  4. Using Outdated Protocols and Cipher Suites:

    Employing outdated encryption protocols like SSLv2, SSLv3, or weak cipher suites that are vulnerable to attacks.

How can I fix file path manipulation issues?

Enforce HTTPS:

  • Redirect HTTP to HTTPS:

    • Configure your server to automatically redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS.

Secure Resource Loading:

  • Use HTTPS for All Resources:

    • Ensure that all resources (images, scripts, stylesheets) are loaded over HTTPS to prevent mixed content warnings and vulnerabilities.

  • Avoid Protocol-Relative URLs:

    • Use absolute HTTPS URLs instead of //

Implement HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security):

  • Add HSTS Headers:

    • Include the Strict-Transport-Security header in your server responses to enforce HTTPS connections for all future requests.

  • Preload HSTS:

    • Submit your domain to HSTS preload lists used by browsers for added security.

Proper Certificate Management:

  • Use Valid SSL/TLS Certificates:

    • Obtain certificates from trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs).

  • Regular Renewal:

    • Monitor certificate expiration dates and renew them timely.

Disable Insecure Protocols and Cipher Suites:

  • Update Server Configuration:

    • Disable outdated protocols like SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLS 1.0.

  • Enable Strong Cipher Suites:

    • Use modern cipher suites that support forward secrecy.

Test cases in this category

This test case queries excessive number of elements:

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