Troubleshoot Non-Unique Collection Name Error

Resolve non-unique collection name issues in Pynt. Learn how to troubleshoot and correct duplicate collection names to avoid conflicts in API testing.

At a Glance: ⚠️ This error in Pynt occurs when there are duplicate collection names in Postman, causing conflicts during testing. Follow this guide to resolve the issue by ensuring each collection has a unique name.

Error: More than one collection with the same name was found

What Happened?

Your Postman workspace has multiple collections with the same name, making it unclear which one to use.

How to Resolve?

  1. Make Collection Name Unique: Rename the collection in Postman to ensure it's unique.

  2. Use Collection ID: Alternatively, provide Pynt with the collection ID instead of the name. The collection ID can be found in the collection properties in Postman UI.

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Last updated