How to get Pynt ID for CI/CD Authentication

Learn how to obtain your Pynt ID for CI/CD authentication. Follow these simple steps to integrate Pynt into your CI/CD pipelines and secure your APIs effectively.

💡 Getting Your Pynt ID: To set up authentication in CI/CD pipelines, you'll need your Pynt ID. Ensure that this ID is securely stored for use in automation and pipeline configurations.

Why do I need Pynt-Id

Pynt-Id is your authentication token to Pynt platform it is needed to integrate Pynt into your CI/CD pipeline.

How should I get Pynt-Id

There are two ways to get Pynt ID:

Via Pynt platform

Go to Settings -> General -> Pynt ID and copy it.

Via Pynt CLI

In Pynt CLI, Run:

pynt pynt-id

(You will be asked to login on your first time running Pynt)

💡 Need Help? For any questions or troubleshooting, reach out to the Pynt Community Support.

Last updated