
Discover the prerequisites needed to seamlessly onboard with Pynt.

If you are running Pynt locally:

  1. Docker Installed & Running: Ensure the Docker engine is available and running on your machine (install it from here:

  2. Python Installed: Ensure that Python is installed.

  3. GHCR images access: Make sure you can fetch images from GHCR, particularly from the repository

  4. Pynt Domain Accesible: The domain should be accessible from the machine running Pynt

  5. If Postman: if you're integrating Pynt with Postman, ensure you are working with Please note that the Pynt solution is based on docker and requires access to the local host, so it doesn't support the Postman web.

  6. If Functional Tests: Various Pynt modes, including Pynt for Postman, Newman, and Command, necessitate a functional test as input to utilize Pynt security tests:

  7. Ensure that your functional test is ready (for Postman, check that your functional test collection is available in your workspace).

    1. Set any required environment variables for the functional test.

    2. Ensure the target application is up.

    3. Verify you are ready by running your functional test vs. your target before executing Pyntโ€™s security tests.

    4. Pynt utilizes your functional tests to inform the security tests it runs. The more extensive the functional tests are, the more the security tests will cover. More APIs, more users, more requests, and full use of the parameters will trigger broader and richer dynamic security tests.

Last updated